Have you ever looked forward to something so much that you would just daydream about what it will be like... what you will say, how you will act, how it will feel? Did you do that when you were little? Was it real stuff like getting married, or less real (but still plausible ;]) stuff like acting in a major motion picture/becoming a celebrity?
I'm definitely that kind of person, but haven't imagined anything too vividly lately.
UNTIL this week.
All I can think about is how it will be to get my mission call. Thinking about when I go to the mailbox and catch my breath because the big white envelope is THERE. Finally. Thinking about what I'll do to CALM DOWN in the hours until good friends come over so I can open it with them there. Wondering how it will feel to have it in my hands. Wondering if I will feel sick or feverish (almost certainly). Wondering if my hands will shake. Wondering if I will look dorky in the video of me opening it. Wondering if my parents will be able to hear through the phone where I am going through all the cheering. Wondering if I will cry. Wondering if I will laugh. Will I feel scared? Will I feel at peace? Where?? When? Language?
"Dear Sister Gopinath,
"You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the _________ _________ Mission. You should report to the Provo MTC on _______ __, 2011. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the _______ language."