And then there's physical after physical to come, and also a dentist appointment, and right now I basically have no relationship to anyone in the medical community out in Provo like I do at home in Tennessee. So there's that search, and once I find a doctor, he/she had better like me because I'll be there pretty often over the next couple of weeks...

And also, hopefully I have an okay experience with the needles related to vaccinations. I feel like I'm a good patient; I cooperate well and submit myself to basically anything the doctors need to do to me. But the last couple of experiences I've had with needles have been WAY more painful than they should have been... so it's hard for me to feel fine about it when I don't know whether or not to trust the girl who's sticking me in the arm/where ever else. But it'll be fine :) It won't last forever.
Anyway, REALLY what I want to say is that I'm so excited to get my mission stuff going! My dream is finally coming true (well actually rather than finally, it feels like it's coming so much sooner than I imagined it would come). I know it's going to affect the rest of my life. I feel so excited to be able to dedicate myself completely to something so motivated by love! To go out and serve, to help others know who they are, to learn of and feel God's love for them, learn why they are here, know who God is and what He is like, find true healing in themselves and in their families, and know how they can be with their families and loved ones forever.

I am not going so I can preach or teach. I am going so I can serve, for I will be called to serve.
There is no greater cause.