Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's new with me?

So, I met the most wonderful person in the world. We became best friends. I have never learned so much from a single person before now.

He made me more honest and less afraid to be real and to say true things instead of swallowing them. He taught me by example to be comfortable owning up to my problems and my faults--to be humble and honest and to know myself.

He taught me to embrace and expand the way I see the world, (I have always wanted to, but didn't know how) to think for myself and not be afraid of it. He gave me security in thinking differently from others, and showed me that I am beautiful and unique and it's good that I am the way that I am. Even my weaknesses are connected to strengths and are part of my beauty. That is true of others as well.

He taught me the importance and the beauty of strong families and family relationships.

He taught me to stand up for what is true and right. He taught me that truly living the Gospel will require me to do and say things that make people uncomfortable, and that I shouldn't be afraid. God is with me. It's His work.

He taught me that when hard things happen in life, that's when life is meaningful and rich. Life is hard--there is no escape--and we don't need an escape. The Lord will bring us through and we can come out better, stronger, wiser, closer to God, and more compassionate.

He taught me that serving others is the only way to live a disciple's life. And He taught me that the Gospel is about love. Real love. Love that transcends and endures forever.

That chapter in my book is over.

Now I'm struggling to figure out where to go from here.


  1. I don't know if I've ever learned that much from one person. But that's a good thing for you. I'm glad you've grown.

    I love you! You're the best sister and friend I've ever-and will ever-have! :)

  2. Well read the third sentence! :) And I'm glad I've grown too. I've grown a lot.

    I love you too! Ditto all the way.

  3. Manisha, I am so happy that you updated your blog. I am happy that you have found someone to learn from and who is a great example. You have always been a great example to me, I have learned much from you, I am grateful to have you part of my life.
    I love you Manisha, have fun at BYU:)

    You, Julie and I should get together sometime, since we are living in UT now:)

  4. Oh, well.... yeah. :P

    Kallie, you two totally should. I know this really has nothing to do with me, but I support your getting together. :)

  5. Kallie! I'm happy you commented! I'm glad too that I met and got to know someone to learn from. It was a really good experience for me :)

    I'm grateful for your example and your sweet, kind spirit! I would LOVE if we could get together sometime. =D That would be so fun!

  6. Manisha, I am sorry it took me so long to comment. I love you. And I met the male version of you the other day. It was weird. :D
